For a variety of reasons, some complex and some simple, modern, State-run health care is beyond repair and now kills more people than it saves.
Health care is changing at a phenomenal rate.
Governments are closing small hospitals and casualty departments and concentrating services in bigger and bigger hospitals. (This is being done to please the EU whose bureaucrats believe that big is beautiful and bigger is even more beautiful). Patients who need a GP are being told to telephone for advice rather than to visit the surgery. (The excuse for this is that it will save the planet by reducing the use of petrol). Patients who are injured in accidents are told to telephone ahead and get permission in advance if they think they need to be seen in a casualty department. This may all sound bizarre. But it’s true.
Today, medicine is all about making money and the people who work in State-run health care are more driven by the urge to make as much of it as possible than the people working in the so-called private sector. The problems are not new. Back in July 2011, an official UK report announced that NHS managers were deliberately delaying operations in the hope that patients would remove themselves from the waiting lists “either by dying or by paying for their own treatment.” The report from the Cooperation and Competition Panel said that this tactic was one of a number used by NHS managers. At the same time, GPs were being told that they were restricted in the number of referrals they could make. After threatening to collapse for years, the NHS was at last crumbling apart; aided and abetted, it has to be said, by avaricious staff members as much as incompetence.
The big issues are ignored and suppressed and those who raise them are dismissed as lunatics, heretics or fanatics. Anyone who dares to spread the truth, or raise questions, will be subjected to smear campaigns. Our liberty and our freedom of speech have been strangled by cross-party consensus and an obedient media. Politicians and commentators concentrate their efforts on narrow, specific questions. The big questions, the important questions, are never asked. And so, not surprisingly, no answers are forthcoming either.
The world’s best-known and longest established State-run medical service, Britain’s NHS, now consists of layers of administration dedicated to deceit and committed to the principle of belligerent distortion of the truth; it practises (and is the world’s best exponent of) institutionalised deception. Everything in medicine is now about money. The system exists not to protect us but to protect itself. Politicians protect the NHS because they dare not destroy it. Doctors, nurses (and other NHS workers) protect it because it protects them, feeds them and makes some of them (actually, a good many of them) exceedingly rich without their having to work too hard. This is what happens in a burgeoning fascist State. The NHS is run by incompetent people who never question their competence and so do not recognise their shortcomings. Discussions about health care never touch the real problems. Big issues (such as `Should there be an NHS?’) are considered politically unacceptable so everyone involved just tinkers around the edges of the problem. No one likes to admit that the NHS is dangerous to our health or that hospitals should have a health warning hanging over their doors. The NHS stumbles along: a headless, directionless monster, kept alive by summer fetes and bring-and-by sales where local do-gooders gather together to raise cash to buy scalpels, bedpans and new bed linen. The innocent, the naive and the well-meaning fundraisers don’t realise that every penny donated protects the corrupt system and keeps the whole sorry mess alive. In spirit, the NHS died years ago. The shambling, disorganised, corrupt organisation which survives is a marriage between State and consumer which long ago fell apart; destroyed by the trusting naivety of the one partner and the reckless, short-sighted greed of the other. Doctors and nurses have (like long stay patients) become institutionalised. They accept everything and question nothing. They have sold their souls to the State. The NHS now kills more people than it saves. No one gives a damn about patients any more. There is no longer any such thing as a “public service” ethos among employees.
Over a decade ago I wrote that my fear was that everything would continue to get worse. And it is. Today, medical students and young nurses are being taught within a system which is geared towards defending administrators and drug companies and wherein patients are regarded (if they are regarded at all) as a nuisance. Staff are not allowed to listen to anyone (such as me) offering a realistic, honest view of what is going wrong. Doctors would much rather sweep the problems under the carpet than have the problems exposed, threatening their cosy existence.
Any system which cannot cope with real criticism is corrupt.
Doctors exist only for two reasons: to look after people who have acquired a disease, and to prevent healthy people from falling ill. That’s it. The rest is unimportant. They need to take back their traditional responsibility – and the authority (and power) that should always accompany responsibility. But today’s medical profession has been bribed by drug companies, bullied by, and overwhelmed by, bureaucrats and social workers, and forced by politicians to abandon most of their ethical principles (including, for example, the traditional principle of confidentiality). Through the weakness of their leaders, doctors have been turned into ethically impoverished mercenaries.
The bottom line is that the NHS isn’t a National Health Service, it’s a National Homicide Service. When, to the appalling roll call of doctor-induced disease, you add the steadily increasing dissatisfaction with extended waiting lists, arrogant doctors, indifference and a lack of civility or caring it is hardly surprising that millions of people are today abandoning the traditional suppliers of medical help and seeking help from private doctors and alternative practitioners.
I used to believe in the NHS. As a result of the effect of the constant tinkering, the introduction of targets, the endless increase in layers of extra bureaucracy, the political correctness and the lawyers, a huge rift has opened up between doctors and patients.
The UK’s National Health Service, an experimental socialist system, is a failure because it is distorted by regulations, targets and legislation. Anyone who does not regard the NHS a failure should ask themselves why so many people are now flying out to India and Thailand to obtain medical care which, it is widely acknowledged, will be better and safer and much, much cheaper.
Responsibilities have been replaced by rights. And, paradoxically, the result is that in modern Britain many people, particularly the elderly, are denied treatment. Powerful organisations campaigning for particular groups of patients put pressure on the controlling political party and force the Government to provide treatment for their group. But this is done at the expense of other patients.
Today, the NHS is a monster which causes far more deaths than traffic accidents and terrorism. It’s a beast we need to kill. We will be far better off without it. A well-intentioned social experiment has been smothered by bureaucracy and the monster now exists not to care for patients but to provide secure, unchallenging employment for its staff. If the money spent on the NHS were distributed to citizens to use on private health care the quality of care received would soar. The UK has thousands of unemployed doctors and an NHS that is awash with administrators. Madness.
I’m medically qualified and, if I’m an expert on anything, it is iatrogenesis – disease that is caused by doctors. I have spent nearly half a century studying this very problem. How many other people are now being killed by doctors? The only certainty is that it is far, far more than the figures suggest. I firmly believe that doctors and nurses now kill more people than cancer.
Today, drug-reliant medicine has spread as the public relations departments of large multinational drug companies have worked overtime to convince doctors and patients that drugs are the only way to prevent and treat disease. Massive drug and vaccination programmes have begun. Doctors have been bought in their thousands and now preach the drug company gospel. In the USA and the UK, and just about every other country in the world, drug companies now control doctors. It is no coincidence that iatrogenesis is now one of the top three causes of disease and death and quite possibly the leading cause of disease and death. Doctors and drugs can be useful. They can save lives. But they must be treated with caution – as though they were, like cigarettes, labelled with a Government health warning.
We all have a responsibility to take personal charge of our own health and destiny. We must become healthcare consumers – able to make the most important decisions ourselves and to pick and choose which treatments to accept and which to reject. We must use doctors as technicians – there to advise and provide technical support – but we must learn how and when to make the big decisions ourselves.
Welcome to the medical revolution.
Adapted and taken from ‘Why and how Doctors kill more people than Cancer’ by Vernon Coleman, which was written in 2011 but is now more relevant than ever. The book predicted how and why the disasters which have taken place in the last three years were inevitable. ‘Why and how Doctors kill more people than Cancer’ is available from Amazon. Vernon Coleman’s book ‘NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right’ is also available from Amazon.
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