25.09.23 (8)


As a board member of the National American Renaissance Movement, I am pleased to announce that National ARM just submitted an 83 page Grand Jury petition containing evidence of C19 ‘vaccine’ crimes to the Tennessee Governor and the state Attorney General. National ARM’s Grand Jury Petition States that C19 shots should be, “Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”

Besides Tennessee Governor and Attorney General, previously, this evidence was submitted to the Governors, Attorney Generals, along with prosecutors and sheriffs in TexasIdahoFlorida and New Jersey

This document was prepared by National American Renaissance Movement President, and NJ criminal defense and trial attorney, David Meiswinkle. This 83 page document lists 149 exhibits of evidence and asserts that state and federal crimes have been committed. This document demands an immediate ban of C19 ‘vaccines’ and calls for criminal investigations. The document also lists persons of interest.

Crimes include, murder, racketeering, biological weapons laws violations, treason, and genocide. National ARM intends to submit evidence of vaccine crimes to local prosecutors and law enforcement in all 50 states.

Maybe somebody will do their job…i.e. call a Grand Jury and start seeking indictments….

If you are in Tennessee we are asking you to read, download to a flash drive, and share the Tennessee evidence with County Prosecutors and County Sheriffs in Tennessee by clicking the links below.

Tennessee Executive Summary

Tennessee Full Grand Jury Petition.

Thanks to josephsansone.substack.