Spanish researchers believe that the “secret nanoparticles” found in covid vaccines are nanotubes of graphene oxide. They are compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Nanotubes of graphene oxide search and become attached to synapses.
The Andalusian biostatistician Ricardo Delgado who hosts an online program called La Quinta Columna. (the fifth row) and his partner Dr. Jose Luis Sevillano (a family doctor) analyzed the undeniable magnetic phenomenon present in most vaccinated people.
They found that graphene oxide nano particles are actually compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Nanotubes of grapheneoxide search the synapses and attach to them.
Graphene nanoparticles were excitable through frequencies-generating behavioral changes in the subjects. To be more exact: graphene nanoparticles find resonance in the frequency of 41.6 GHz microwaves of the 5G technology.
Subjects inoculated with graphene oxide nanoparticles can be manipulated mentally by tuning into different frequencies inside the 5G ranges. They can feel, think and see feelings, thoughts or things that don’t actually exist. They could develop fake memories or delete real existing memories.
Even without a fully-enabled 5G net, people have reported they feel strange after taking the jab. Other studies say graphene nanoparticles are responsible for covid associated symptoms and blood clots.
The scientists maintain that the global vaccination program is an excuse to cage mankind in a dangerous covert global transhumanism program that will end in a catastrophe for the human race.
5G is supposed to be fully enabled in July-August 2021. In order to stop the whole inoculation program, they call the people who suffer from this magnetic disorder to report it to doctors and health authorities.
These conclusions are supported by other scientists and graphene producers (Graphenea Inc. and Nanografi) as well as research projects like Graphene Flagship, Project BrainSTORMS , the Obama Brain Initiative and DARPA.