Humans are “hackable animals without souls”, according to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is the original fake news” and that WEF leaders are “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.”
According to the WEF, a new one world religion has arrived and it unites all of humanity in worshiping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism and eugenics. God, Jesus and Christianity is “fake news” that must be dismissed by humanity.
If you find it hard to believe Klaus Schwab’s WEF would go this far, you clearly haven’t been paying attention to developments in recent times. The blasphemy doesn’t stop there. Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that they will turn humans into gods.
The WEF is also increasingly hostile to Christianity and major religions. If you read between the lines just a little, it’s clear the WEF is consciously attempting to supplant Jesus
According to the WEF, Jesus is fake news, God is dead, and you do not have a soul. You are a “hackable animal” who does not have the capacity for free will.
The World Economic Forum has spent decades quietly infiltrating democratically elected governments, penetrating cabinets and wielding an outsized influence on the world from the corridors of Schwab’s Swiss hideout in Davos.
These tyrants have now become arrogant and sure of their own success. They are no longer hiding in the shadows and pulling puppet strings from behind the curtain.
According to Schwab, it is his role to shape the “transformation” of the world in the current period. And unsurprisingly he admires the Chinese system of state control authoritarianism.
If you want a sneak peek of the future under this shadow government, it’s worth paying attention to Bill Gates’ latest announcement. Gates has a history of playing god. Robert F. Kennedy warned us about this trait in Gates’ psychology years ago.
According to Kennedy Jr, the World Health Organization is “conducting global social and medical experimentation” in accordance with the vision of their mega-donor Bill Gates and his “religious faith that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) to make him the savior to all of humanity.”
“Gates’ strategy of buying WHO [World Health Organization] and purchasing control of US health officials like Tony Fauci & Deborah Birx” means the Microsoft co-founder can now “dictate global health policies affecting 7 billion people and to control the most intimate details of our lives,” said Kennedy Jr. on his Instagram page.
Just last week Gates, in his role as false savior, was caught telling world leaders that it’s time for “death panels” to decide who has the right to live and die.
Of course Gates’s “death panels” have everything to do with the globalist elite’s obsession with depopulation. This is the brutal, soulless world Gates and the shadow government at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset. We can’t allow their evil religion to become the new normal.
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Source: newspunch.com