The World Health Organisation’s (“WHOs”) proposed Pandemic Treaty and changes to International Health Regulations is a dystopian nightmare, Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts said in a video message on Tuesday.

“The World Health Organisation, the WHO, is demanding the power to dictate Australian State and Federal health policy, including ordering compulsory vaccination, lockdowns, closures of borders and businesses and, worst of all, detention of anyone not complying with the latest vaccine mandates and forced medical procedures.”

This power grab is being fine-tuned now, he said, in meetings behind closed doors and will be voted on at the World Health Assembly in May 2024.

“Included in the current proposal are tens of billions of dollars to pay for pandemic preparedness in Africa, as well as giving WHO the ability to force medical companies to make drugs and devices and give them to African nations in a clear bribe to overcome Africa’s reluctance to cede their authority to WHO. The Africans stopped the previous vote so now the UN is trying to buy African votes.

“This is communist policy and everyday Australians will have to pay for it,” he said. “Reject the World Health Organisation’s grab for dictator powers. And while we’re at it withdraw from the WHO and the UN entirely. Aus EXIT.”

Read the transcript of Mr. Roberts’ message HERE.

Malcolm Roberts: World Health Organisation’s Dictator style power grab, 17 January 2023 (3 mins)


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