20.06.23 (3)
Image: Unvaccinated Blood shows light particle filled sphere and hydrogel filament growing out of it
My last interview with Maria Zeee was in my mind revolutionary. I captured the self assembly process going on in embalmed blood and took video of the speres containing the light emitting conscious artificial intelligent technology that builds the hydrogel filaments in the blood. This video footage is imperative to see for everyone so you understand self assembly and genesis of these filaments we see in the blood.
My Interview With Maria Zeee – Biden’s Universal Nanotechnology Vaccine & “Zombie” Blood
14. JUNI
I first was alerted by Dr. David Nixon and Engineer Shimon Yanowitz that there was more to the “ bubbles” we saw in the blood. I just dismissed them as air trapped under the slide cover. But they were right, and in looking at the embalmed blood I saw this clearly.
I had an unvaccinated couple come to my office. The lady experienced extreme fatigue, not resolved by visits to many functional doctors. I looked at her blood and I was astounded by what I saw. In the first video, you can see a huge blue hydrogel nanotechnology filament grow out of a sphere. This is a 100x magnification. When its blue like this, its self assembled nanotech. Nothing else.
Thanks to anamihalceamdphd.substack.com