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There is damning evidence linking vaccines with autism and neurodevelopmental disease. And, there has been systemic suppression of this evidence.
Thousands of peer-reviewed articles demonstrate a connection between children’s poor health from exposure to certain chemicals and radiation, the authors of a Global Research article wrote. And, you need not look far to find ample evidence that there is precisely what you might call a “question” about whether vaccines are “associated” with autism. So, here is some of the evidence.
Referring to the thousands of peer-reviewed articles, the three authors – journalist Helen Buyniski, Richard Gale, and founder of Progressive Radio Voices Dr. Gary Null – acknowledged that published studies need to be viewed in context of the scientific method:
Certainly, studies are open to interpretation; they may be the subject of debate; they may be subject to the scrutiny of the public and the scientific community; by all means, try to replicate them.
But to write as if there is no debate, as if these studies simply do not exist; as if the association between these exposures and harms to health is some ludicrous and easily refutable “allegation,” this is not scientific.Do Vaccines Cause Autism? A History of Institutional Corruption, Global Research, 29 August 2023
The above is from the first of a three-part series of articles being published by Global Research: ‘Do Vaccines Cause Autism?’. The following are excerpts from this article. You can read the full article HERE.
Vaccines Undeniably Associated with Autism
You need not look far, in spite of the sophisticated algorithmic manoeuvres made by Google to wipe such artefacts from its search results, to find ample evidence that there is precisely what you might call a “question” about whether vaccines are “associated” with autism. This “question,” this rather undeniable association can – and should – be openly debated, live on national television.
A debate is also an accessible forum for the public to observe, unlike jargon-laden peer-reviewed journals and elite science and medical conferences. When ordinary people’s lives are now more and more subject to top-down requirements “based on the science,” the public has a right to observe and hear it debated in plain language. This is urgently needed. It is truly a question of life and death.
How Debatable is the Assertion That Vaccines Cause Autism?
Though it should be held in public, the debate is over. All the evidence is there – but no one is brave enough to say it, and with reason, as anyone who does is publicly tarred and feathered.
The issue is so highly pressurised, that anyone with anything to lose is rightly afraid to light the match and say the simple words “vaccines cause autism,” knowing they’ll watch their reputation and maybe their career burst into flames. Lots of semantic acrobatics are performed that effectively communicate the causal connection without actually stating it in so many words. Really speaking: vaccines have been scientifically and legally documented to cause autism. Not just once. Not just twice. Many times.
Here is the Evidence
In a careful analysis of thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature on toxicology and immunology, nowhere could the three authors of the Global Research article find evidence to support claims that vaccine safety is based upon a gold standard of clinical research: long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.
Since such gold-standard research has never been carried out, our medical officials are relying on inconclusive research that is not science-based to create public health policy. American parents, meanwhile, are conditioned by our medical officials to bring their children in for regular vaccinations, confusing pure propaganda with scientific proof.
Never has a concise epidemiological study been published that compares the long-term health outcomes of a group of infants and children given the recommended CDC immunisation schedule and a cohort of unvaccinated children. However, several smaller studies indicate that neurological disorders are associated with vaccination when vaccinated children are compared with the unvaccinated.
As we witness a rapidly increasing number of vaccinated children being afflicted by conditions such as autism, food allergies, encephalitis, type 1 diabetes, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (“ADHD”) and Crohn’s disease, it’s critical that we investigate further the role played by environmental toxins to better understand their pathology. And, when we look into the independent science on the safety of vaccines, it’s readily apparent that many of the ingredients found in vaccines are toxic, even in small amounts, and may contribute to a range of illnesses, including autism.
Historical context: Some of the scandalous revelations made in the last 30 years reveal a cover-up about the vaccine-autism connection
Research indicates that conflicts of interest abound in the vaccine industry, making it difficult to have faith in our health authorities. Worse still, evidence points to pervasive corruption among high-profile individuals and institutions in the medical-industrial complex.
The Global Research article details six of the most alarming examples: Simpsonwood; Dr. Julie Gerberding’s admissions; Dr. Poul Thorsen’s corruption; whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson; investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s report; and, a leaked GlaxoSmithKline document. For the sake of brevity, below we have only given an overview of Simpsonwood
In 2003, while researching the controversial link between vaccines and autism – which despite repeated dismissal by all public health authorities continued to persist among parents and in-the-know doctors as autism rates skyrocketed – public health advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stumbled upon a massive coverup that had taken place in June 2000 in Norcross, Georgia.
The Simpsonwood conference – officially the Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information – included top scientists and health officials from the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), the US Centres for Disease Control (“CDC”), the British Health Ministry and pharmaceutical industry execs, all gathered to discuss the results of a major study evaluating the negative effects of thimerosal, a commonly-used mercury-based preservative in vaccines.
The transcript Kennedy unearthed through a Freedom of Information Act request bears witness to the mild panic that set in among the audience after CDC epidemiologist Dr. Tom Verstraeten presented his study findings and dropped the bomb: “The screening analysis suggests a possible association between certain neurologic developmental disorders. Namely tics, attention deficit disorder, speech and language disorders and exposure to mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines before the age of six months.”
This was Dr. Verstraeten’s fourth attempt to conduct the study to produce the desired data after the first three had stubbornly shown the correlation he was trying to disprove.
While the drug companies that manufactured the thimerosal-containing vaccines offered to remove the offending substance in September 1999, the CDC declined their offer, instead waiting until all thimerosal-containing vaccine lots expired in 2002 to officially end its use
Scientific studies: The connection between autism or neurological and developmental injury and vaccines, with a focus on the heavy metals used in vaccine adjuvants
Let’s now take a look at more damning evidence linking vaccines with autism and neurodevelopmental disease and the systemic suppression of this evidence.
The vaccine-autism debate has been limited mainly to two issues: the MMR vaccine, following the controversies over Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s findings in the 1990s, and the toxicology of thimerosal.
Related: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines
Studies have pointed to the role of other vaccines than MMR in autism as well. Doctors at Stony Brook University’s Medical Centre determined that male infants vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine before 1999 have a three-fold higher autism rate than their non-vaccinated peers. The risk was greater among non-white boys.
Related: The most common trigger for autism is childhood vaccinations. Here’s how vaccines cause autism
Concerns over thimerosal are waning because it has been removed from all vaccines except for the influenza shot, and even the flu vaccine cannot account for the rising autism rate.
Since 2001, autism has steadily continued to rise. In 2000, it was 1 in 250 children. As of March 2023, the CDC’s reported rate has dropped to a shocking 1 in 36; just a few years prior, in 2018, the rate was 1 in 44. This rate has been found to be even higher by the authors of a JAMA Paediatrics research letter published in 2020: They found autism was occurring in 3.49 per cent of children and adolescents aged 3 to 17. That’s 1 in 30.
The CDC argues that this proves thimerosal is not the culprit. It ignores a 2012 Australian study published in the journal Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry that there is a direct maternal transfer of ethylmercury (from thimerosal in vaccines) from pregnant mothers to the embryo/foetus. It remains American federal health policy for pregnant women to receive the flu shot, which may contain 25 micrograms of mercury.
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