27.06.23 (9)

Despite the revelations during the UK Covid Inquiry and yet more evidence of the harms and deaths the covid injections cause, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) pushes for sweeping censorship to stop us questioning their narrative. And, researchers sponsored by Wellcome Trust push for the covid era-style PCR testing of healthy people to be used as a blueprint for future pandemics. WHO and Wellcome Trust are also two of the organisations behind the coordinated vaccine project to inject 8 billion people.
As usual, corporate media is silent on covid injection harms as demonstrated by the results of a post-mortem performed on well-known Australian cricketer Shane Warne.
Covid Inquiry bombshell regarding face masks and social distancing: “I once enquired … in March 2020 … whether we should be wearing masks and was told that the science advice was that there was ‘no point’ and had ‘very little effect on the spread of covid’ … It was all a pantomime.”
WHO pushes sweeping Censorship Treaty: An investigation by Public reveals a coordinated effort by the WHO to use future medical crises as an excuse for sweeping censorship. Instead of trying to rebuild public trust after covid-19, the WHO is attempting to enshrine some of the worst abuses of state power from the last three years. In response to Public’s questions about the WHO’s “social listening” program, a WHO spokesperson told Public, “EARS platform is not designed to detect misinformation.” The tool, he said, is “useful when trying to understand and prioritise topics of concern.” But the reference paper to which the WHO spokesperson linked as an example of its approach mentions the word “misinformation” 22 times. Read more HERE.
Asymptomatic testing key to pandemic preparedness: According to a research letter published by The Lancet, covid infections that would have been missed were detected through asymptomatic [read healthy] PCR testing for NHS staff, a blueprint for future NHS–academic partnerships to follow. Dr Emma Wall, an infectious diseases consultant at University College London Hospitals and senior clinical research fellow for the Legacy study, urged that the data gathered throughout the pandemic needed to be “put to good use”. She emphasised that the repurposing of lab facilities and partnering with local NHS trusts, as the Francis Crick Institute had done, was a useful “blueprint” for future NHS-academic partnerships to follow, that could be “rapidly set up” in the event of another pandemic. The research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust and researchers involved in authoring The Lancet letter disclosed receiving grants from a variety of pharmaceutical companies (see image below). Read more HERE.

The use of PCR tests during the covid era was a scam. PCR tests are unable to detect infections even when they are properly performed. Read more HERE.
A reminder of how they pulled off the “pandemic”: An animated film explanation by David Icke released in November 2020.
David Icke, 13 November 2020 (16 mins)
The truth behind the Green Monkey story: The production methods of Pfizer and Moderna’s covid-19 vaccines have been thrown into the spotlight due to the discovery of DNA contaminants in the injection vials by genomic scientist Kevin McKernan. Additionally, a promoter from the SV40 virus, undisclosed in initial vaccine data, was found within the DNA. This report aims to shed light on the actual implications of McKernan’s findings of DNA contaminants in the vaccines, exploring the nature and potential impact of the DNA contaminants in the vaccines. The risk of DNA contamination will therefore apply to any future RNA made using the bacterial manufacturing method. Read more HERE.
Contaminated covid products and green monkey virus: In the video below, Jessica Rose, PhD, interviewed microbiologist Kevin McKernan on Good Morning CHD. SV40 has long been suspected of causing cancer in humans. DNA contaminants may have the ability to alter the human genome. A cinnamycin-resistant gene is also included in the sequencing vector, and it’s unclear if or how this might impact human health. In a worst-case scenario, it could make your microbiome resistant to antibiotics.
Read the analysis of the video above by Dr. Joseph Mercola in the file attached below.
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Covid Related News: WHO pushes for censorship and Wellcome Trust pushes for PCR testing of healthy people in the future
https://trinitymedia.ai/player/trinity-player.php?postHashV2=b4d90d0163512af2fd4df06a291a6cff3bbfaaaa&language=en-GB&voiceGender=f&pageURL=https%3A%2F%2Fexpose-news.com%2F2023%2F06%2F27%2Fwho-pushes-for-censorship-and-wellcome-trust-pushes%2F&ver=6.2.2&unitId=2900007956&userId=430bb707-c2c6-422a-9c4b-77ebaa1f9f72&isLegacyBrowser=false&version=20230622_a29a21673c7d508b6de48be2b664ea9f2c27185d&useBunnyCDN=0&abTestAlias=gya-stroke+V2&themeId=424 |

Despite the revelations during the UK Covid Inquiry and yet more evidence of the harms and deaths the covid injections cause, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) pushes for sweeping censorship to stop us questioning their narrative. And, researchers sponsored by Wellcome Trust push for the covid era-style PCR testing of healthy people to be used as a blueprint for future pandemics. WHO and Wellcome Trust are also two of the organisations behind the coordinated vaccine project to inject 8 billion people.
As usual, corporate media is silent on covid injection harms as demonstrated by the results of a post-mortem performed on well-known Australian cricketer Shane Warne.
Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…
Covid Inquiry bombshell regarding face masks and social distancing: “I once enquired … in March 2020 … whether we should be wearing masks and was told that the science advice was that there was ‘no point’ and had ‘very little effect on the spread of covid’ … It was all a pantomime.”
WHO pushes sweeping Censorship Treaty: An investigation by Public reveals a coordinated effort by the WHO to use future medical crises as an excuse for sweeping censorship. Instead of trying to rebuild public trust after covid-19, the WHO is attempting to enshrine some of the worst abuses of state power from the last three years. In response to Public’s questions about the WHO’s “social listening” program, a WHO spokesperson told Public, “EARS platform is not designed to detect misinformation.” The tool, he said, is “useful when trying to understand and prioritise topics of concern.” But the reference paper to which the WHO spokesperson linked as an example of its approach mentions the word “misinformation” 22 times. Read more HERE.
Asymptomatic testing key to pandemic preparedness: According to a research letter published by The Lancet, covid infections that would have been missed were detected through asymptomatic [read healthy] PCR testing for NHS staff, a blueprint for future NHS–academic partnerships to follow. Dr Emma Wall, an infectious diseases consultant at University College London Hospitals and senior clinical research fellow for the Legacy study, urged that the data gathered throughout the pandemic needed to be “put to good use”. She emphasised that the repurposing of lab facilities and partnering with local NHS trusts, as the Francis Crick Institute had done, was a useful “blueprint” for future NHS-academic partnerships to follow, that could be “rapidly set up” in the event of another pandemic. The research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust and researchers involved in authoring The Lancet letter disclosed receiving grants from a variety of pharmaceutical companies (see image below). Read more HERE.

The use of PCR tests during the covid era was a scam. PCR tests are unable to detect infections even when they are properly performed. Read more HERE.
A reminder of how they pulled off the “pandemic”: An animated film explanation by David Icke released in November 2020.
https://rumble.com/embed/vf5grz/?pub=4#?secret=1nRbO8OxcGStop World Control: How did they pull off the pandemic?
David Icke, 13 November 2020 (16 mins)
The truth behind the Green Monkey story: The production methods of Pfizer and Moderna’s covid-19 vaccines have been thrown into the spotlight due to the discovery of DNA contaminants in the injection vials by genomic scientist Kevin McKernan. Additionally, a promoter from the SV40 virus, undisclosed in initial vaccine data, was found within the DNA. This report aims to shed light on the actual implications of McKernan’s findings of DNA contaminants in the vaccines, exploring the nature and potential impact of the DNA contaminants in the vaccines. The risk of DNA contamination will therefore apply to any future RNA made using the bacterial manufacturing method. Read more HERE.
Contaminated covid products and green monkey virus: In the video below, Jessica Rose, PhD, interviewed microbiologist Kevin McKernan on Good Morning CHD. SV40 has long been suspected of causing cancer in humans. DNA contaminants may have the ability to alter the human genome. A cinnamycin-resistant gene is also included in the sequencing vector, and it’s unclear if or how this might impact human health. In a worst-case scenario, it could make your microbiome resistant to antibiotics.
https://rumble.com/embed/v2bz1ci/?pub=4#?secret=WZ91imBpvVChildren’s Health Defense: Contamination of mRNA Covid Products, 24 March 2023 (57 mins)
Read the analysis of the video above by Dr. Joseph Mercola in the file attached below.
More jabs; more illness: HART reported in January that there was powerful evidence from more than one source that the more injections people had the higher their risk of contracting covid. One important study in this area was of over 50,000 healthcare workers in the Cleveland Clinic. The work is now peer-reviewed and was published on 19 April 2023. The same team has now produced yet more evidence in a new paper published on 12 June. Let’s look at what the new study showed. Read more HERE.
If you are unable to view the video above on Rumble you can watch it HERE starting at timestamp 18:30.
More corporate media silence over Australian cricketer Shane Warne’s covid injection death claim: Doctors claim the covid injection is to blame for Warne’s death but corporate media won’t listen…again. Warne’s post-mortem findings revealed coronary atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the wall of the arteries that supply blood to the heart). Two cardiologists claimed the covid injection had precipitated Warne’s death. News Uncut is aware of at least one national newspaper which was sent this story to follow up. After all, both news and sports sections carried the news of Warne’s sudden and untimely death on March 4 last year. This time, however, the story was met with the silent treatment. Read more HERE.
Debunking the narrative, once and for all: Exclusive data analysis of Florida Health ought to end the argument. In any decent, honest, intelligent society at any rate. In Florida, there are four major, distinct waves of death, two before the “vaccine” and two after. Before the ”vaccine” the official covid mortality only manages to represent a mere 1.2% of all deaths. After the “vaccine” covid deaths literally explode. Read more HERE.
New data from the UK regarding “vaccine” deaths: A bombshell UK government report reveals that 92% of all covid deaths in 2022 occurred among those who had received three doses of the “vaccine,” among non-covid deaths, mortality rates were up to 30 times higher among triple “vaccinated” people than the unvaccinated and mortality rates among the “vaccinated” have grown significantly over time. The use of mRNA ‘vaccines’ could be considered one of the worst crimes committed against humanity. Read more HERE.
Covid “killer vaccine” – people are dying all over the World: Let us be under no illusions, the covid injection is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. Peer-reviewed reports confirm the causes of vaccine-related deaths and “adverse events” (injuries) including among others blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis and cardiac arrests.
The stated objective is to enforce the worldwide vaccination of 8 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitised “vaccine passport”. Needless to say, this is a multi-billion-dollar operation for Big Pharma. It’s a crime against humanity.
The global vaccine project entitled COVAX is coordinated worldwide by WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World Economic Forum, the Wellcome Trust, DARPA and Big Pharma which is increasingly dominated by the Pfizer-GSK partnership established barely four months before the onset of the covid-19 crisis in early January 2020. Read more HERE.
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